There will be plenty of opportunities for sponsors and/or exhibitors for full audience or personal contacts during NORM X. From the experience of the most recent international NORM Symposia (NORM VIII and IX) we may expect more than 300 participants from all over the world. The radiation protection professionals cover a wide variety of industry branches, scientific institutes, NORM consultancy and NORM service (analysis, decontamination, etc.) firms. These radiation protection professionals play an important role in decisions concerning the monitoring methods and instruments to be used, the investment in analytical equipment to be applied and the selection of NORM decontamination/remediation service companies.
The Symposium provides you with an excellent opportunity to meet these radiation protection professionals, expert consultants and industrial representatives from around the world by means of the exhibition of your products and/or services and/or sponsoring the Symposium. More information about these opportunities is presented in the prospectus below. We look forward to welcome your company or institution as an exhibitor or sponsor during the 10th international NORM Symposium!
Please find more information on the opportunities for exhibitors/sponsors in this prospectus:
Please contact the symposium secretariat (info@normx2022) for more information, or when you want to become an exhibitor during NORM X.
When you want to become an exhibitor, please send the secretariat the following information:
- Contact information (first and last name of contact person, company name, adress of company, e-mailadress and phone number of contact person)
- The exhibitor package of your choosing
- Any additional sponsoring options you want to add
- Invoice details
Gamma-exhibitors of NORM X: