Programme Monday May 9th 2022
The programme may still undergo small changes. Please check this page regularly for the latest update.
Session 1
10:30 – 12:15 hr
Room: Progress
Opening of the NORM X Symposium
Session Chair: Jan van der Steen, President NORM X Symposium
Session Co-Chair: Leo van Velzen, Vice President NORM X Symposium
Welcome presentations:
- J. van der Steen (President NORM X Symposium)
- A. van Bolhuis (Authority for Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection – ANVS, Netherlands)
- M. Pinak (International Atomic Energy Agency – IAEA, Austria)
- C. Leijen (Dutch Society for Radiation Protection – NVS, Netherlands)
- S. Mundigl (European Commission – EC, Belgium)
- A. Canoba (International Commission on Radiological Protection – ICRP)
- B. Batandjieva-Metcalf (UNSCEAR Secretary)
- R. Wiegers (European NORM Asoociation – ENA, Netherlands)
- R. McBurney (Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors’ Inc. – CRCPD, USA)
- T. Perko (SHARE/RICOMET, Belgium)
12:15 – 13:45 hr LUNCH BREAK (lunch is not included during the NORM X Conference)
Session 2
Area 1/2
13:45 – 15.25 hr
Room: Progress
25 years of NORM Regulations
Session Chair: Ruth McBurney (CRCPD, USA)
Session Co-Chair: Jan van der Steen (President NORM X Symposium)
- 13:45 Invited presentation
A brief history of NORM regulation,
Peter Görts (ANVS, Netherlands) - 14:10 Invited presentation
Circular Justice? An example of the Circular Economy Clashing with Environmental Justice in the United States.
Philip Egidi (EPA, USA) - 14:35 Invited presentation
Challenges in Regulating industries processing NORM
Miroslav Pinak (IAEA, Austria) - 14:50 Performance indicators for the assessment of the national radiation protection system
Konstantinos Karfopoulos (EEAE, Greece)
Session 3
Area 6
13:45 – 15:25 hr
Room: Quest
NORM Sampling & Metrology – 1
Session Chair: Konstatinos Karfopoulus (EEAE, Greece)
Session Co-Chair: David Okoh Kpeglo (GAEC, Ghana)
- 13:45 Radiological assessment of solid waste for uranium ore processing in Nuclear Materials
Yasser Khawassek (Nuclear Materials Authority, Egypt) - 14:10 NORM monitoring in pits of remediation of drilling muds and spalls in oil and gas industry
Gerardo Rodriguez (Inprosoam, Ecuador) - 14:35 Radiation Survey Meter with Intrinsically Safe Extendable Probe
David Bradley (Sunway University, Malaysia) - 14:50 Radioactivity measurement in ‘negative ion’ consumer products, Korneel Cats (RIVM, the Netherlands)
Session 4
Area 4
13:45 – 15:25 hr
Room: Expedition
Environmental Aspects of NORM
Session Chair: Maria de Lurdes Dinis (University of Porto, Portugal)
Session Co-Chair : Steven Brown (SHB Inc., United States)
- 13:45 Natural radionuclides and Cs-137 in biomass combustion residues: How to solve the puzzle?
Sarah Radulovic (FANC, Belgium) - 14:10 NORM inventory in Brazil: Case study of the NORM inventory of Nb and Sn production
Barbara Paci Mazzilli (IPEN, Brasil) - 14:35 Remediation of a legacy NORM site in Norway
Tore Ramsøy (IFE, Norway) - 14:50 Uranium mill tailings management and disposal in Australia: Past and current practice
Peter Waggitt (Consultant, Australia)
Session 5
Area 5
16:00 – 17:15 hr
Room: Progress
Management of residues and the occupational radiation protection of workers in the geothermal and water supply and treatment industry
Session Chair: Lonneke van Bochove (Radiation Support, Netherlands)
Session Co-Chair: Frank Harris (Rio Tinto, Australia)
- 16:00 Geothermal energy production in Italy: Radiological characterization of plants and residues
Ilaria Peroni (ARPAT, Italy) - 16:25 Radioactive waste management in Dutch geothermal sector
Lonneke van Bochove (Radiation Support, Netherlands) - 16:50 New Safety Report under preparation- Occupational Radiation Protection in the Water Supply and Treatment Industry
Burcin Okyar (IAEA, Austria)
Session 6
Area 9
16:00 – 17:15 hr
Room: Quest
Transport of NORM and its Challenges
Session Chair: Oskar van Dongen (Shell, Netherlands)
Session Co-Chair: Paul van Rooijen (Vinçote, Netherlands)
- 16:00 Invited presentation
International regulatory framework for the transport of naturally occurring radioactive material
Eric H. Reber (IAEA, Austria) - 16:25 Transportation of NORM classified materials
Iain Brown (PHE, United Kingdom) - 16:50 Monitoring and regulation of NORM in the Slovak Republic, Veronika Drábová (Public Health Authority, Slovak Republic)
Session 7
Area 6
16:00 – 17:15 hr
Room: Expedition
Radon & Thoron – Protection of workers, public and environment
Session Chair: Govert de With (NRG, Netherlands)
Session Co-Chair: Ivana Ženatá (SONS, Czech Republic)
- 16:00 Radon Action Plans in European Member States and the UK: Dealing with Radon Risk on Workplaces
Katerina Navratilova Rovenska (SURO, Czech Republic) - 16:25 Radon-risk Mapping and Protection in Mining and High Potential Mining areas of Cameroon
Saïdou Saïdou (IGMR, Cameron) - 16:50 An Overview of Radon Exposure to the Zama?Zamas Group within Abandoned Underground South African Mines
Ryno Botha (Thortech, South Africa)